I wanted to have my own blog to archive the process of preparing 'Cosmology Divine' and I wanted to explain how the songs come alive? Where they are referring to? What do the lyrics mean and what is the inspiraton behind all these?
After the Sons of Earth and Sky EP. We had very positive reactions from the listeners. EP was downloaded over +7000 times in a month from different countries and it had a success of its own. We made it to UKRAINE, HUNGARY and GEORGIA for live performances and we would probably go to lots of more international gigs if we wanted to. General critics to the EP was that it was a good Folk Metal Rec. but it didn't have any Eastern influences or Eastern Instruments. So as a band we decided to make it the hard way. Although we had 10 songs which are completely arranged and ready to record. We made'em all garbage.
And that's when the process of creating COSMOLOGY DIVINE started...
In my opinion Art (in this way Music) is the reflection of our subconciousness which take form. Every word, every melody, every note has its meaning for the owner(s) of the song. If a good listener wants to learn the idea behind it (s)he must dig hard and catch the philosphy behind it. That's what I did for the past years if I was very into a song, book or sth that I liked a lot.
The album title came from nowhere. In the past 3 years my obsession to seek for more knowledge and finding the answers of my questions about universe like; How the universe was created? Where do we come from? and I started to question more and more. From that point I read books, watched documentries, had conversations with other friends, e-mailed persons which I was curious about their visions and gathered all of the materials that are in my reach. And those documentries shaped most of the lyrics of Cosmology Divine.
Eastern and Western melodies has their own beauty. Eastern melodies are mystic, catchy and havea darker ambiance in their ways. But western melodies have more passion and power. So we want to blend them in our music. I composed, ethnical arrangements for the eastern side and orchestrations for the western side after the album title was pictured in our minds. COSMOLOGY described the Western, DIVINE described the Eastern side of our music.
10 Songs were composed which are completely disturbing, powerful, insane and captivating. After that my challange to crown the songs with my ethnical and orchestral arrangements started. At this blog you can follow the course of events and what we are up to.
As final words, lyrically Cosmology Divine is completely reflection of my altered mind. Twisted in some ways and completely refers to all my thought which are messing in my head but hasn't been told yet and will be formed in my lyrics.
If you are reading this... You are about to enter my cosmos :)
Glad to see that you won't be improsened in your mind anymore.
YanıtlaSilWhen I first heard 'Sons of Earth and Sky' I was thrilled and wanted to see you live instead I just watch your videos on youtube.
YanıtlaSilI am still following your posts and other stuff. Thanks for giving us the oppurtunity to understand you.
Cheers Ralph